Sunday, September 12, 2010

Don't let the man bring you down

Hi Everyone! Our names our Stephanie & Miranda and we are self-taught Cake Decorators. Here will blog are way to the top. Our goal is to quit our jobs and to bake cakes for a living. Every time we bake and decorate we learn something new. Usually it's a mistake that leads us to an important lesson! From getting locked out of our house while having a cake in the oven, to staying up until 5 am to meet a deadline, we always pull through!

For us I think the most important thing is that we have fun. It's a great feeling to give a customer their cake and to see their reaction, knowing that all the hard work we put in was worth it. It's not about the money, it's about doing something you love. All though it would be nice if it paid the rent ;)

Hope to bake for you soon!

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