Sunday, December 19, 2010

New york themed Cake

Happy 21st Birthday Christina!! 

Happy Holidays!

These present cakes we so much fun to make!! They were made for the Delaware Valley Children's Charity. For 25 years they have been helping families in need. If you want to read about what they do or even better, donate to a child  Click here

The Collapsing Slot Machine

Ok so the title of this post is "The Collapsing Slot Machine." This my friends is not a good thing. The cake was made for thanksgiving night for my dear friend Jen. She ordered it for her mom's birthday that they were celebrating on Thanksgiving. Now, Mandy my wonderful baking partner left me to go see her family for the holidays. This cake was top heavy. We never had a cake that had to stand up like this before and I did not build the structure correctly. My mom helped me do it Thanksgiving eve and we were up until 3am. I got a phone call at 8am her screaming into my ear that the cake collapsed. NOT GOOD! Jen was on her way to pick it up in a couple of hours. I had my whole family trying to figure out a way to fix the cake and it was just not happening. I had to give it to her lying on its back. Big disappointment. It was a terrible feeling. We learned so much from this cake. 
i hope this never happens again!
-Allow more time to decorate a cake! 
-Make sure we can build a solid structure before agreeing to a client! 
-Move on and learn from the experience!
-Make a spectacular cake for Jennifer's 25th birthday that will make her forget about this one! BAH!

Sweet 13!

For this cake we actually didn't come up with the design. Our client gave us a picture of what her daughter wanted for her birthday. The 13 is covered in edible glitter! We also couldn't resist adding the diamonds to the cake! The girls loved it! You can see the icing on the top layer, we have learned to keep the cakes in the fridge instead of having them out the whole time we are working on them. This keeps the icing hard and stops it from bulging out of the fondant and making indents. No good!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sugar leaves & chocolate cake!

This cake was made for one our co-workers aunts.
We used the airbrush machine to color the gumpaste leaves.
We finally got to use it, they sent the thing without a part. They were pretty quick about sending it to us. It works awesome! If your looking for a beginner kit here is the link!   airbrush kit

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Bella!!

This is Bella, she turned a whole hand! We also made the Justin Bieber cake for her! 
Happyyyy Birthdayyy! 

Strawberry Shortcake

Strawberry Shortcake topper
This is all edible made out of fondant! :) We thought she looked like a real doll. 


Monday, November 1, 2010


This is our Justin Bieber themed cake for a 5 year old named Bella.
She has a cardboard life-sized cut out of him in her room. Lol.
Hope she liked it :) 

Happy Belated Halloween!

I almost forgot to take a picture, on my delivery I snapped one with my phone.
I was stopped at least :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hello Kitty Part 2

This is the lovely birthday girl we made the cake for. We modeled the Hello Kitty that is on the top of her cake from her dress. Everything on this cake is edible! 

Isn't she adorable?

It looks like the Hello Kitty is being blown away! Lol.

Helllooo Kitty!

Happy Birthday Marisa! Vanilla icing and Vanilla cake! 
We need a camera like this! 
Photo by Stacy Wachs

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Orchid Cake

Handmade sugar orchids and cherry blossoms
This is my favorite cake we made so far! 
Happy Birthday Dale! 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rice Crispies & Whiskey

This was a marble cake covered in chocolate icing.
Mandy did an awesome job to make it look like wood.
The whole bottle is made out of rice crispie treats covered in icing.
No fondant used! 

Happy Birthday Duffers

This five tiered cake has 10 layers of chocolate and vanilla cake
One of the problems we had stacking was that our recipe is too moist.
We need a sturdier cake.
But all in all, everyone loved it and it tasted delicious!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Garden Club Cake

This was our favorite vanilla cake recipe with vanilla icing inside! 
It was won as a raffle prize in Nj by a couple named Ron & Linda!
Hope you guys enjoyed it! :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Baby Brownies

These are cute fondant covered brownies we were using to decorate a cake for a baby shower.
We didn't get a picture and are patiently waiting for someone to post it.
It's been weeks. 

Booth 14

Haha. This is us I am on the left and Mandy is on the right.
Another lunch shift at Duffers,
Hopefully not for long ;)
We tried to look like we didn't stage it. We did.

Love Birds

Chocolate with butter cream icing w/
Fondant bow and lettering

Dog Cake by Mandy

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Charm City

I am in Baltimore for a mini vacation this weekend and decided to stalk Charm City Cakes. Everyone knows the tv show "Ace of Cakes", I can watch it on demand forever.
Since you can't go in the bakery I just took my picture outside and slipped a note inside the mail slot. 
I hope they get it but I think it might of got stuck inside the door. 
Felt like a creep for a minute but I had fun! That's all that matters right?!
Will post pics later! 
Have a fun weekend!! 

Here's a link to take a virtual tour inside the bakery, it's pretty cool

The Dog Days are over

Mandy sculpted this Boston Terrier out of fondant. We were going to have him sitting up but the fondant kept weighing it down and he was sinking. I think out he turned out great anyway. This was another vanilla cake, this recipe is delicious I need to stop eating the batter.

Cake Phanatics!!

This Philly Phanatic was so much fun to make! Our friend is giving it to her boyfriend for his birthday. She's going to put the two tickets for the game in the Phanatic's hands. Such a good idea! 
We brought it out to show some customers at work and they want one for next week! 
I'm glad we know how to make him now, should save us a lot of time!

Early Mornings & Red Bull

This is our mountain cake. The picture doesn't do it any justice. Unfortunately I forgot my camera and had to use my cell phone. The cake was for a 30th birthday for a guy who loves to ride mountain bikes and an 80 year old who playes the banjo! I hope they love it!  We worked on this from 7:30 am until 4:30 pm, went off to watitress then came back at 9 to work on it until 4 am. Thank god it was a slow night at work! This is 6 cakes stacked chocolate & vanilla. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Backdrops & Acrylic Paint

I started to paint the back drop tonight for the mountain cake were doing this week.
I used acrylics on a piece of wood.
It is a shared cake for two. You'll see :)
I'll share the backdrop at least b/c I can't help it. 
And I tried to bake my cakes again, I think they turned out 10x better this time, I lowered the temp.
Never thought I'd want a new oven for christmas. Weird.

Monday, September 13, 2010


I had one job tonight and it was to bake three cakes. Mandy is baking 8. I failed. My oven cooks faster then her oven. I learned this the hard way. When you are baking and the outside of the cake is cooking faster then the middle it usually means too much batter is used OR you need to turn down the temperature.
I used the left over batter to make cupcakes, corrected the temp. and they turned out perfect. 
Time for bed, another lesson learned!

Poker Face!

Happy 30th Birthday Mario!! 
We loved doing the cards on this cake. We used gourmet edible food markers to do it. They are made out of fondant. The tips weren't that skinny and they bled a lot but overall I think they turned out ok.
We finished this cake in about 3 hours.  That is NOT a lot of time!! We had to go to work after. Not for long my friends, not for long. 

Monkey Business

This cake was made for an 8 year olds birthday party
The bottom layer was chocolate cake and the top was marbled. 
The monkeys are completely edible! 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Go Phillies!

This was made for Sharon, the Philadelphia Phillies Box Office Manager.
Happy 50th!

Vanilla Cake with Buttercream filling and icing
Covered in fondant
Baseball is vanilla cake also!

The part that took the longest on this cake was the red stripes, measuring to make sure they were even.
It was around 3 am at this point. We were happy with the results :)

First Day of School

This cake was made for #1 First Grader Ella! 
Chocolate Cake with Fudge Filling covered in Fondant.
The Apple is made out of cake too!
Good luck Ella!
You should of saw the mess we made trying to make the apple, I think it turned out pretty good though. 

Don't let the man bring you down

Hi Everyone! Our names our Stephanie & Miranda and we are self-taught Cake Decorators. Here will blog are way to the top. Our goal is to quit our jobs and to bake cakes for a living. Every time we bake and decorate we learn something new. Usually it's a mistake that leads us to an important lesson! From getting locked out of our house while having a cake in the oven, to staying up until 5 am to meet a deadline, we always pull through!

For us I think the most important thing is that we have fun. It's a great feeling to give a customer their cake and to see their reaction, knowing that all the hard work we put in was worth it. It's not about the money, it's about doing something you love. All though it would be nice if it paid the rent ;)

Hope to bake for you soon!

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