Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sugar leaves & chocolate cake!

This cake was made for one our co-workers aunts.
We used the airbrush machine to color the gumpaste leaves.
We finally got to use it, they sent the thing without a part. They were pretty quick about sending it to us. It works awesome! If your looking for a beginner kit here is the link!   airbrush kit

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Bella!!

This is Bella, she turned a whole hand! We also made the Justin Bieber cake for her! 
Happyyyy Birthdayyy! 

Strawberry Shortcake

Strawberry Shortcake topper
This is all edible made out of fondant! :) We thought she looked like a real doll. 


Monday, November 1, 2010


This is our Justin Bieber themed cake for a 5 year old named Bella.
She has a cardboard life-sized cut out of him in her room. Lol.
Hope she liked it :) 

Happy Belated Halloween!

I almost forgot to take a picture, on my delivery I snapped one with my phone.
I was stopped at least :)

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